
2015 – 2016 School Year

It is with great pleasure that we are sharing this report with the donors and friends of FONDOP.
This document reflects what we have been able to accomplish with the contribution of our donors and the support of our friends.

Without your involvement, our efforts would have been in vain! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help 146 children and young people to, not only realize their dream, but also satisfy their rights to receive an education.

Your support allowed:

  • 7 little ones to start learning at a preschool facility
  • 51 boys and girls to attend primary school (1st to 6th grades)
  • 41 teenagers to attend the 3rd Cycle (7th to 9th grades)
  • 23 young adults to continue at the Secondary level towards their Baccalaureate.

At a higher level, 6 young women enrolled in 2 different universities to become Registered Nurses.
At the University Notre Dame of Haiti (UNDH), a young man and a young lady pursued their degrees in Education Sciences, and 3 young adults (1 female and 2 males) prepared their career in the field of Business Administration.

Two youths received the opportunity to develop their English speaking skills.

Finally, FONDOP ensured that 8 gifted young musicians continued to improve their talent at the School of Music Dessaix Baptiste in Jacmel.

On behalf of those students, their families, and our community, we express our heartfelt gratitude.

We are counting on your support in order to continue the work that we have started together almost 7 years ago.

May you be blessed abundantly!

Warmest regards,

Jocelyne Oriol Pierre